After a long absence, I'm going to give another go at posting. With the new year approaching I couldn't help think - what a great time to start over - with lots of things. I don't know about you but the turn of the calendar always gets me thinking. A LOT!! So I'll take the next little while to share some of those thoughts here.
Here's what's currently rolling around in my brain. I came across these 5 statements in the book by Andy Stanley - The Best Question Ever. Here they are. Ponder...Consider...Evaluate....
Maybe this will be the start of some intentional thinking about 2012.
1. There is cumulative value in investing small amounts of time in certain activities over a long period.
2. There are rarely any immediate consequences for neglecting single installments of time in any arena of life.
3. Neglect has a cumulative affect.
4. There is no cumulative value to the urgent things that we allow to interfere with the important things.
5. In the ciritical arenas of life, you cannot make up for lost time.
Wonderful, so glad you are back..